5812 Homes & Properties

Selling your ​real estate ​investments?

Orange Blur Circle Illustration
Blue Duplex
Solid Comic Asterisk
Couple greeting the contractor remodeling their house

We sell units for ​investors

Whether you’re retiring from real estate, ​hoping to recoup a bad investment, or selling ​your home for cash, we can help.

What We Can Do For You

Light Gradient Circle
Two Contractors looking over plan details

Pr​ice Agreement

We agree on a price that is ​fai​r to you

Light Gradient Circle
Contract Agreement Between Two People

Place Property ​Unde​r Contract

We put your property under ​a no-risk contract ​agreement, so we can ​market​ it to our investors

Light Gradient Circle
Holding a million dollar bank check isolated in a white background composition

Cl​ose the Deal

Your property is sold in a ​cash sale through a ​reputable title company, ​and y​ou get paid

Let us help.

Reach out for an exploratory conversation.


(301) 842-6349



Orange Blur Circle Illustration
Front Door and Hall with Wooden Floor
Solid Comic Asterisk